Executive Leadership Assessment

Customize Assessment Objectives

An appropriate selection of assessment measures can be applied to realize objectives pertaining to:

Succession Planning
Executive Development
Team Development

A comprehensive assessment process may include the following options:

Identification of Job Requirements/Competencies

Behavioral/Cognitive Assessment

Personality (HPI, HDS, MVPI)
360 (EQ 360; LVI)
Emotional Intelligence (EQ-I)
Critical Thinking (WGCTA)

Analysis of Behavioral Data Relating to Four Competency Domains

Business Skills
Leadership Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Intrapersonal Skills

Integration of Assessment Data

Performance Strength
Values & Drivers
Challenges & Growing Edges
Career Development Summary

Biographical Data & Behavioral Event Interview (Included in Selection/Succession Planning)

Development Planning

Leveraging Strengths
Engage Development Opportunities
Identify Success Factors

Description of Assessment Measures

Personality Assessment

(HPI) Hogan Personality Inventory – a measure of normal personality: provides detailed information regarding the “bright side” of personality: those characteristics that are perceived as strengths promote working relationships and contribute greatly toward achieving one’s business goals and objectives

(HDS) Hogan Developmental Survey – assesses 11 performance risks that interfere with a person’s ability to build relationships with others and a cohesive, goal-oriented team. These performance risks negatively influence people’s careers, relationships and life satisfactions. These behaviors tend to be seen only when an individual is coping with situations of high stress or change, multitasking, task saturation and poor person-job fit.

(MVPI) Motives, Values, and Preferences Inventory - evaluates the fit between an individual and the organizational culture. Helps people understand their interests, motives, and drivers.

Critical Thinking

(WGCTA) Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal - assesses an individual’s critical thinking ability as a composite of attitudes, knowledge and skills. The WGCTA is composed of five subscales: Inference, Recognition of Assumptions, Deduction, Interpretation and Evaluation of Arguments.

Emotional Intelligence

Bar-On EQ-i - self-report measure of emotionally and socially intelligent behavior that provides an estimate of emotional-social intelligence.

360 Ratings

Bar-On EQ 360 - The EQ-360 (Bar-On Emotional Quotient – 360) is a multi-rater version of the EQ-i.

(LVI) Leadership Versatility Index-360 rating scale that captures both underdoing and overdoing, as well as optimal performance. Provides a precise, behavior specific read of where the leader is well rounded and where flat-spots are. Points to the road of versatility


(CBBI) Competency Based Behavioral Interview-a performance and evidence driven strategy and recruitment tool that yields substantial decreases in the direct and indirect costs associated with traditional interviewing approaches, while significantly increasing the probability that the right person will be hired for the job. It therefore qualifies as a best practice in the areas of recruitment and selection. Establishes that the job candidate’s objectives, values, and application (with supporting data) must show a “fit” with both the position and the organization. Gives priority to behavioral profiles and competencies that are derived from data about top performers already existing within the organization or external resources. Avoids off the shelf profiles


Evaluation of candidate’s biographical data: Education, Experience, and Achievements

*Assessment process is culture sensitive